On March 3rd 2021. our occupational therapist Tara Pušić held a presentation with topic ”Occupational therapy with rare diseases, in case with epidermolysis bullosa” for colleagues occupational therapists. Webinar was organised by DEBRA Croatia due to Global Skin Member Impact Fund which we are proudly off. Main goal of project is to exchange of knowledge and information as well as education which will ensure better understanding rare diseases and raising quality of life is important for both people with rare dermatological diseases and for health care providers. Care for people with rare dermatological diseases must be continuous and integrated to truly put them in „patient-centered“ in order to improve their quality of life. Occupational therapists have an important role in integrated care for patient rare dermatological disease. 27 occupational therapists participated in webinar and we are very glad that they recognised importance in field of rare dermatological diseases. We are very much looking forward to further webinars for health professionals, nurses and social workers.
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